Poster Design: okusan
Timeline: Feb 2021 - April 2021 | Platform: Poster Design
Designed a poster for a LASALLE Film Student's short film project.
A war drama set in 1943, Okusan is centred on Mei Na, a pregnant comfort woman who plans her escape from the comfort home but gets confronted by the father of her unborn child – a Japanese soldier.
Link for more details about the project here.

Early Ideations
I went down to the film set location so as to take photos of the actress running to simulate a key scene from the film.

After discussing with the director, we got a few shots that we liked the most. And finalised on one photo due to her hair and hand movements. However, the shot was not fully in focus, so with post processing, it worked out relatively well.

Finding the appropriate typeface was hard due to the fact the title is in Japanese. Thankfully we found and settled on these. I also wanted organic brush strokes to indicate the era that this film was emulating. Hence, I manually added those textures to the type.

Cropping and adjusting the layout took a few iterations till we settles on the final one.